River Maintenance Dredging
We provide River Maintenance Dredging consulting and services
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Dredging Services |
Contact us about dredge engineering, equipment, pumping, and dewatering to
meet your contract
River dredging is considered to have beneficial long-term impacts for maintaining rivers, port facilities, and navigation commerce, helping to maintain land values consequences of navigation projects have been studied for environmental, social well-being, economic effects
The need for dredging is determined by a combination of factors including authorized project design, hydrographic surveys, rainfall, equipment availability, and the concerns of the USCG, local Ports, and other users.
Without dredging shoaling would fill the navigation channels with sand and sedimentary material precluding reliable navigational access.
The hydraulic cutter head dredge (also often called a cutter head pipeline dredge), is the most common and versatile of the hydraulic dredges, which has a rotating cutter on the end of the ladder used to dislodge consolidated material to improve dredge performance
Dredging to authorized depths and widths is critical to keeping the river and harbor open and to sustaining important navigation components of the local and state economy
A series of dredge pumps move the slurry from the cutter head through a pipe and to the final placement site.
Contact us about dredging consulting, equipment, pumping and dewatering to meet your contract requirements.