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Contact us about dredge engineering, equipment, pumping, and dewatering to
meet your contract
Full-service Engineering and Environmental Services company
We offer multi-disciplinary solutions to complex problems, whereby the emphasis is upon quality, transparency, delivery and reliability.
Common projects include dredging, shoreline stabilization, storm-water management, environmental services, annual inspection of waterfront facilities, and design of parks, docks, piers, marinas, boat ramps, seawalls, bulkheads and more.
- Conceptual Design and Engineering (projects)
- Conceptual Design and Engineering (equipment)
- Construction Methods and Planning
- Cost Estimates and Risk Assessment
- Project Preparation
- Port Development
- Marine Works
- Dredging and Reclamation
- Hydrographic Surveys
- Maintenance Dredging
- Contracts and Conditions
- Procurement Strategy
- Environmental Effects and Impacts
- Project Management Assistance
Our experience in design-build consulting services results in our capability to manage the project life cycle of dredging from assisting with the bid to completion of the work. We are best placed to assist our clients in ensuring timely execution and best value for money from the engineering design, procurement, execution and maintenance phase.
Conceptual Design and Engineering (projects)
Clients seeking preliminary or conceptual designs can depend on the full participation of the P&S consultants at the earliest stages of their project. Based on the experience of our experts a quick but thorough scan will be made of the project, indicating the key elements that are required for such an early stage design.
Conceptual Design and Engineering (equipment)
Equipment for dredging and marine works is much more than a tool to fix a job. It is the result of decades of technological development in pump and cutter-head design technology, drives, winches. The development of this hardware has always been tailored towards improvements in performance and output of the equipment, whilst keeping costs low and possibly reduce unit rates.
The experts of P&S have background in civil or mechanical engineering, with decades of experience in dredging and marine works. Based on executed projects in all stages (from conceptual to implementation) and of all types (like equipment modification, hydraulic transport, production estimates, workability assessment, cost comparison) we are capable to advise in comparing newbuilt concepts, performance and output, and costs and unit rates.
Construction Methods and Planning
A detailed assessment of the construction methods and planning is crucial as a basis for cost estimates and realistic project duration. Suitable equipment is proposed based on the scope of work and the project-specific conditions and constraints, with associated working methods and estimates for production and costs. The project budget and duration is then based on both this estimate and an evaluation of project-specific risks. In the tender phase, these estimates can serve as benchmarks for contractor proposals.
Cost Estimates and Risk Assessment
The analyses of P&S consultants are aimed to identify the internal and external risks and opportunities of the project. This includes technical, contractual, economic and environmental & mitigation aspects, including specific stakeholder concerns. In consultation with the client, we can prepare a project specific risk register to support the determination of a contingency allowance for the project CAPEX, OPEX and Business Case.
Dredge Project Preparation
During the initial development stages of marine infrastructure and dredging projects, the technical and economical feasibility is assessed. At the same time that these studies are being done initial preparations for the realization phase of the project are made in case the green light is made.
Site investigation campaigns, scope determination, and packaging of works, cost and risk assessments, drafting of contract conditions and employer’s requirements.
Marine Works
Marine works projects like breakwaters or revetments, and the installation of pipeline protection, are often designed based on extreme load conditions and failure probabilities.
Project details include analyzing the operational conditions statistics (wind, wave and swell) during the envisaged construction months, assess robust and cost effective equipment and work methods (land-based and/or floating equipment), determine logistics needed for supply of rock to site and towards the work-front, time schedule of the sub-processes, visualization of the construction process, survey methods and accuracies, assess the risk of storm damage, various other important “details” like: interfacing with other works, storm shelter, site supervision, environmental monitoring.
Dredging and Reclamation
P&S experts have worldwide practical experience in dredging and reclamation projects. This diversified experience ranges from conceptual design to risk management and from cost estimates to expert opinions.
Our clients vary from port authorities and governmental organizations to private investors and contractors. We provide our services tailored to the specific needs of each client, relying on a personal, hands-on approach which is highly valued in the dredging industry. Clients can expect from us that the interdependencies of technical, financial and contractual aspects will be given due care and attention to achieve “best for project” results.
Hydrographic Surveys
Dredging and marine works are virtually impossible without proper hydrographic surveying. Clients need to give due care and attention to several questions with significant implications, like:
- How often are survey results required, and for which end-users?
- Is low sounding frequency or higher frequency preferred?
- Is multibeam surveying with overlapping swaths required?
- What is the required accuracy, and is the quality control protocol robust?
- Is the survey executed by the contractor, by the client, or by an independent survey company?
- When are client representatives required?
- Are the results of intermediate surveys used for interim payments of the construction contract
Maintenance Dredging
Maintenance dredging is a permanent operational cost burden in many ports. With a critical evaluation of the maintenance dredging scope and philosophy, P&S can identify possibilities for significant savings and an effective implementation strategy for your maintenance program.
Contracts and Conditions
Sound contract specifications and conditions are paramount in order to define a clear scope of the Works, offer Contractors the possibility to offer their best price, and realize the project on the bases of a professional Employer-Contractor relation. It helps trouble free execution of the works if no unforeseen conditions appear, and helps solving discussions and disputes in case such unforeseen contract conditions do appear.
Procurement Strategy
Procurement of dredging and marine works is a puzzle not easily solved by many clients who face such a task. The overwhelming number of options for types of contract, remuneration, packaging of the works, prequalification, as well as evaluation criteria, make it difficult to choose which way to go. P&S has the experience to provide practical guidance on the matters.
Dredging Environmental Effects and Impacts
In many dredging projects, environmental effects and impacts are high on the priority list of our clients. Especially when dealing with specific geomorphologic conditions or dredging and building in ecologically sensitive areas, the environment must be considered carefully, during design and during the construction of maritime projects.
P&S has provided various assessments and advice on environmental effects and impacts, including:
- Providing specific dredging-related assessments for Environmental Impact Assessments prepared for maritime infrastructure and port developments
- Identifying practical and robust mitigating actions (with Trigger/Action/Target levels) and ways to avoid negative impacts
- Dealing with stakeholder interests and public awareness issues
- Monitoring the implementation of the mitigation processes and controlling the operations on the basis of the monitoring results.
Project Management Assistance
Planing, design, prepare, procure, and realize marine works projects involve many parties over an extensive period of time.
Based on a thorough understanding of marine works, challenging site conditions, execution options and practices, and the contractual relation of the employer and the contractor, P&S is capable to advise the client in a realistic and pragmatic way throughout the subsequent phases of the project.
Contact us about dredging consulting, equipment, pumping and dewatering to meet your contract requirements.