Harbor Dredging
We provide Harbor Dredging consulting and dredging services
Dredging Services |
Contact us about dredge engineering, equipment, pumping, and dewatering to
meet your contract
Marina’s will have boats with large hulls that will require a deep and well-dredged marina to pass in and out of. Typical Marina Dredging will require the removal of many of the boats and will have a hard time dredging under docks.
We offer our submersible dredger, it is like a dredging tank with tracks rather than floating on the water it drives on the bottom of the harbor. We also have traditional dredgers.
Dredging allows the marina to maintain its performance without any downtime.
As it removes the sediment, it enables the proper channel transport as the accumulated organic materials won’t negatively impact the depth anymore.
Dredging also plays a major role in protecting the environment.
When it comes to the environment, dredging is essential to keep its quality and safe. A routine maintenance schedule ensures water quality and navigation. Without excessive sediments on the bottom, the boats won’t cloud the water all the time. The water will remain clear, which will not only boost the environmental conditions but the navigation of all yachts, boats, ferries, and any other services as well.

The key characteristics of the dredge:
It is highly cost-effective compared to regular dredges
It can be remotely operated from 1000-ft or more
It is fully submersible
It maximizes safety
It is suitable for various types of tasks
It serves many purposes
This dredge doesn’t only come in handy for marina dredging. It can also be used by companies operating in the chemical, energy, water, paper, oil, or mining industries.
As it removes the onsite human operation, the risks are minimized and full control is ensured.
Includes smart technology
Useful design that promotes effectiveness and security
Pump sizes vary between 4-inch and 12-inch

Contact us about dredging consulting, equipment, pumping and dewatering to meet your contract requirements.